I’m currently in the research and development phase of a new type of school. If you want to follow along, I’ll be tracking my progress here.

  1. The Vision. What is the goal of this school? It’s not test scores and college acceptance!

  2. Design Questions. I put on my skeptic hat to identify all the ridiculous assumptions and unanswered questions behind my dreamy vision.

  3. Building a Curriculum Around Deliberate Practice. How to do it?

  4. My Deliberate Practice Experiment. How I picked a skill and a coach to experience deliberate practice first-hand.

  5. Experiment Log: Deliberate Practice on the Piano. See my progress and get the nitty gritty details on how piano playing is broken down into “micro-skills”.

  6. July 2020 Updates. Some details on the program I’m prototyping (using my kids as guinea pigs!).

  7. Philosophy of Schooling: Force vs. Freedom. I explore the philosophy of “unschooling” and where I disagree.